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Steel Mill Chains

  • Overview
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  • Specifications

Welded steel mill chains are designed for rugged, abrasive and demanding environments. The design allows for operating conditions that are less than desirable. Their rugged welded construction permits high speeds, minimal lubrication and easy modification for application specific attachments.

Sidebars and barrels are medium carbon steel. Pins are medium carbon alloy steel and are thru hardened for maximum chain life. Pins can be induction hardened for even more wear resistance. The WH chains also have thru hardened sidebars and barrels for greater strength and wear resistance. All parts can be furnished with additional heat treatment on request or as the operating environment requires.

Welded steel mill chains are riveted construction with cottered connecting pins. Cottered construction is available on request.

Welded steel mill chains are interchangeable with other standard makes of corresponding sizes and numbers.

Welded steel mill chains are used in wood yards, paper mills, OSB plants, grain systems and ethanol processing. They provide long life with very low maintenance.

Maximum chain speed depends upon size of sprockets. For Conveyor Service see Table 2, Section A.

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Dimensions are in inches unless otherwise noted.


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Chain No.Chain StyleAverage Pitch InchesApprox. Links in 10 FeetAverage Weight Per Ft. Lbs.Average Ultimate Strength in Lbs.Rated Working Load in LbsGeneral DimensionsPinsSidebarsBarrelsCommon Attachment Numbers
Length of BearingTo Cotter EndTo Head or Rivet EndDia.StyleMaterialThk.HeightMaterialOutside Dia.MaterialMax Spkt. Width
WR78O2.609464.020,0003,00021 19/321 7/161/2AALY.H.T.1/41 1/8M.C.7/8M.C.1 1/8A12, A22, CHAIR, F2, F4, G19, H1, H2, K1, K2, RF2, ROOFTOP, RR
WH78O2.609464.030,0003,50021 19/321 7/161/2AALY.H.T.1/41 1/8M.C.H.T.7/8M.C.H.T.1 1/8
WHC78S2.609464.030,0003,50021 19/321 7/161/2AALY.H.T.1/41 1/8M.C.H.T.7/8M.C.H.T.1 1/8
WH78HDO2.636466.542,7003,94021 23/321 19/329/16AALY.H.T.3/81 1/4M.C.H.T.1M.C.H.T.7/8K2
WR78-4O4.000304.025,9003,00021 19/321 7/161/2AALY.H.T.1/41 1/4M.C.7/8M.C.1 1/8
WH78-4O4.000304.036,0003,50021 19/321 7/161/2AALY.H.T.1/41 1/4M.C.H.T.7/8M.C.H.T.1 1/8
WR82O3.075394.825,0003,8002 1/41 23/321 19/329/16FALY.H.T.1/41 1/4M.C.1 1/16M.C.1 1/4A22, A42, AD474, CHAIR, F4, H1, H2, K1, K2, RR
WH82O3.075394.836,0004,4002 1/41 23/321 19/329/16FALY.H.T.1/41 1/4M.C.H.T.1 1/16M.C.H.T.1 1/4
WHC82S3.075394.836,0004,4002 1/41 23/321 19/329/16FALY.H.T.1/41 1/4M.C.H.T.1 1/16M.C.H.T.1 1/4
WH82HDO3.075397.868,0004,9002 1/41 7/81 3/45/8AALY.H.T.3/81 1/2M.C.H.T.1 1/16M.C.H.T.1CHAIR, K1, K2
WH82XHDO3.075399.262,0005,9002 1/42 1/321 25/323/4AALY.H.T.3/81 1/2M.C.H.T.1 1/4M.C.H.T.1CHAIR, K2
WR124O4.000308.347,0006,2002 3/42 9/322 1/323/4AALY.H.T.3/81 1/2M.C.1 1/4M.C.1 1/2A22OSB, A27, CHAIR, C CRADLE, F4, K1, K2, RF2, RR, S1
WH124O4.000308.369,0007,2002 3/42 9/322 1/323/4AALY.H.T.3/81 1/2M.C.H.T.1 1/4M.C.H.T.1 1/2
WHX124O4.000308.369,0007,2002 3/42 9/322 1/323/4AALY.I.H.3/81 1/2M.C.H.T.1 1/4M.C.H.T.1 1/2
WHC124S4.000308.369,0007,2002 3/42 9/322 1/323/4AALY.H.T.3/81 1/2M.C.H.T.1 1/4M.C.H.T.1 1/2
WH124HDSPCO4.0633014.7100,00010,50032 17/322 3/81FALY.H.T.1/22M.C.H.T.1 3/4M.C.H.T.1 1/2A22OSB, CHAIR, A & C CRADLE, K2, RF2
WH124XHDO4.0633017.4129,00011,3753 1/42 13/162 5/81AALY.H.T.5/82M.C.H.T.1 3/4M.C.H.T.1 1/2A22OSB, CHAIR, C CRADLE
WH144O4.0003010.569,0009,6002 3/42 9/322 3/321AALY.H.T.3/81 3/4M.C.H.T.1 5/8M.C.H.T.1 1/2A22OSB
WR111+O4.760269.552,0007,5003 3/82 19/322 11/323/4AALY.H.T.3/81 3/4M.C.1 1/4M.C.2A & C CRADLE, K1, K2
WH111+O4.760269.577,0008,8503 3/82 19/322 11/323/4AALY.H.T.3/81 3/4M.C.H.T.1 1/4M.C.H.T.2A & C CRADLE, K1, K2
WHC111+S4.760269.577,0008,8503 3/82 19/322 11/323/4AALY.H.T.3/81 3/4M.C.H.T.1 1/4M.C.H.T.2
WH111+HDO4.7602613.277,0009,5003 5/82 25/322 19/323/4AALY.H.T.1/22M.C.H.T.1 7/16M.C.H.T.2
WR110O6.000207.247,0006,75032 11/322 5/323/4AALY.H.T.3/81 1/2M.C.1 1/4M.C.1 3/4K2
WH110O6.000207.269,0007,87532 11/322 5/323/4AALY.H.T.3/81 1/2M.C.H.T.1 1/4M.C.H.T.1 3/4K2
WR106O6.000207.047,0006,2002 3/42 9/322 1/323/4AALY.H.T.3/81 1/2M.C.1 1/4M.C.1 1/2A22OSB, C CRADLE, K2
WH106O6.000207.069,0007,2002 3/42 9/322 1/323/4AALY.H.T.3/81 1/2M.C.H.T.1 1/4M.C.H.T.1 1/2A22OSB, C CRADLE, K2
WHX106O6.000207.069,0007,2002 3/42 9/322 1/323/4AALY.I.H.3/81 1/2M.C.H.T.1 1/4M.C.H.T.1 1/2A22OSB, C CRADLE, K2
WHC106S6.000207.069,0007,2002 3/42 9/322 1/323/4AALY.H.T.3/81 1/2M.C.H.T.1 1/4M.C.H.T.1 1/2
WH106HDO6.000209.092,5007,87532 1/22 5/163/4AALY.H.T.1/21 1/2M.C.H.T.1 1/4M.C.H.T.1 1/2A22OSB
WH106XHDO6.0502011.8115,00010,50032 17/322 3/81FALY.H.T.1/22M.C.H.T.1 3/4M.C.H.T.1 1/2A22OSB, C CRADLE
WH166O6.000208.569,0009,6002 3/42 9/322 3/321AALY.H.T.3/81 3/4M.C.H.T.1 5/8M.C.H.T.1 1/2A22OSB
WR132O6.0502014.278,00013,0004 3/83 7/323 1/161FALY.H.T.1/22M.C.1 3/4M.C.2 3/4A22, A22OSB, A42, CHAIR, A B & C CRADLE, K2, M1, PC47, PETER FLIGHTS, RF3, S1
WH132O6.0502014.2115,00015,3004 3/83 7/323 1/161FALY.H.T.1/22M.C.H.T.1 3/4M.C.H.T.2 3/4
WHX132O6.0502014.2115,00015,3004 3/83 7/323 1/161FALY.I.H.1/22M.C.H.T.1 3/4M.C.H.T.2 3/4
WHC132S6.0502014.2115,00015,3004 3/83 7/323 1/161FALY.H.T.1/22M.C.H.T.1 3/4M.C.H.T.2 3/4
WH132HDO6.0502016.4152,00016,2004 5/83 1/23 5/161FALY.H.T.5/82M.C.H.T.1 3/4M.C.H.T.2 3/4A22OSB, A42, A & C CRADLE, K2, M1, PETER FLIGHTS, S1
WH132XHDO6.0502018.6182,00017,0004 7/83 3/43 1/21AALY.H.T.3/42M.C.H.T.1 3/4M.C.H.T.2 3/4C CRADLE
WR150O6.0502016.878,00013,0004 3/83 7/323 1/161FALY.H.T.1/22 1/2M.C.1 3/4M.C.2 3/4C CRADLE, K2, M1, RF3, RF12, RF18, S1
WH150O6.0502016.8116,00015,3004 3/83 7/323 1/161FALY.H.T.1/22 1/2M.C.H.T.1 3/4M.C.H.T.2 3/4
WHX150O6.0502016.8116,00015,3004 3/83 7/323 1/161FALY.I.H.1/22 1/2M.C.H.T.1 3/4M.C.H.T.2 3/4
WH150HDO6.0502019.3168,00016,2004 5/83 1/23 5/161FALY.H.T.5/82 1/2M.C.H.T.1 3/4M.C.H.T.2 3/4A CRADLE
WH157O6.0502020.6161,00018,2004 5/83 9/163 3/81 1/8AALY.H.T.5/82 1/2M.C.H.T.1 3/4M.C.H.T.2 3/4A42, A & C CRADLE, K2, M1, PETER FLIGHTS, RF12, RF18, S1
WHX157O6.0502020.6161,00018,2004 5/83 9/163 3/81 1/8AALY.I.H.5/82 1/2M.C.H.T.1 3/4M.C.H.T.2 3/4
WHC157S6.0502020.6161,00018,2004 5/83 9/163 3/81 1/8AALY.H.T.5/82 1/2M.C.H.T.1 3/4M.C.H.T.2 3/4
WHX157XHDO6.0502023.7200,00033,0004 5/83 9/163 5/161 1/4BALY.I.H.5/83M.C.H.T.1 3/4M.C.H.T.2 3/4
WHX155O6.0502019.0145,00017,7504 1/23 1/23 3/81 1/8AALY.I.H.9/162 1/2M.C.H.T.1 3/4M.C.H.T.2 3/4C CRADLE, M1
WHX200O6.0502022.0190,00020,2254 5/83 9/163 5/161 1/4BALY.I.H.5/82 1/2M.C.H.T.1 3/4M.C.H.T.2 3/4
WHX159O6.1252026.5230,00020,2504 5/83 9/163 5/161 1/4BALY.I.H.5/83M.C.H.T.2M.C.H.T.2 3/4
WHX2012AO12.0001015.6200,00033,0004 5/83 9/163 5/161 1/4BALY.I.H.5/82 1/2M.C.H.T.1 3/4M.C.H.T.2 3/4
WHX3012O12.0001018.2200,00033,0004 5/83 9/163 5/161 1/4BALY.I.H.5/83M.C.H.T.1 3/4M.C.H.T.2 3/4

Dimensions are in inches unless otherwise noted.

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Chain No.ABCEFHTWeight Per Foot-Lbs.Bolt Size
WR7821 3/42 3/413 5/169/161/44.61/4
WH7821 3/42 3/413 5/169/161/44.61/4

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